Mediator Badhoevedorp

Mediator Badhoevedorp

DKM Mediation

Mark de Krosse, a human yet no-nonsense approach.

What can you expect from a mediator?

Mark is an experienced MfN mediator in Badhoevedorp. He does not shy away from the challenges of a divorce. He pays attention to both the legal and emotional aspects. His aim is to foster understanding and consensus, ultimately seeking to achieve a balanced arrangement that respects the interests of both partners and any children involved.

Conflicts are inevitable, but the way they are resolved makes all the difference. With Mark as your mediator, you can count on a professional and goal-oriented approach.

Divorce is a complex process that can be quite emotional. Mark understands that this is a difficult time, especially when children are involved. With an empathetic approach, he offers professional mediation to reach fair and sustainable solutions.

By choosing mediator Mark de Krosse from Badhoevedorp, you will receive the support needed to make the process smoother and to lay the foundation for a new beginning.

Samen in gesprek met de mediator
Mark de Krosse

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Mark de Krosse… nice to meet you! In 2019, I decided to pursue formal training as a mediator so that I could work as an MfN-registered mediator. The training, combined with over 25 years of experience as a mediator and entrepreneur/CEO in a larger family business, provided me with the foundation to continue my work as a mediator.

In addition to the general mediation training, I have also completed specialized courses in divorce mediation, family mediation, and labor mediation. The combination of experience and education enables me to tackle various and complex mediations.

Throughout my career, I have dealt with all kinds of conflicts, both small and very large. Most of the conflicts were within the business family context. Occasionally, I was a party to the conflict, but most of the time, I was “called to the table” to help find a solution. It always feels very rewarding when that succeeds, and it made me want to do more. The step to work as an MfN-registered mediator was ultimately not that big.


Know why mediation works?

You will find answers to the following questions:

  •    ✓   What is mediation?
  •    ✓   When do you involve a mediator?
  •    ✓   What are the benefits?
  •    ✓   Who is Mark?


For answers to these questions and much more...


Customers say:

"Mark is a true professional, he is approachable, and I have always felt comfortable expressing myself around him. He explains things clearly, is transparent in everything, and doesn't promise unrealistic outcomes but focuses on reality and what is achievable. A great person to go through this process with."

"We have come to a good decision together, you have treated me very well and have honestly pointed out and explained the situation. Thank you."

"The process followed can be briefly summarized as clear and decisive, but above all personal and friendly. Very satisfied with the experience."

"Communication back and forth was careful and quick. Very pleasant."

Introduction without obligation

A no-nonsense approach

Fair and sustainable  solutions

Contact? Let yourself be called!

How does it work?


Mediation as a solution for conflicts

The process typically starts with a no-obligation introduction. The mediator from Badhoevedorp is happy to come to your home. It is important to see if you have a connection with Mark and whether there is a foundation of trust. Trust among all parties is essential, as sensitive matters will be discussed.

Mark will also map out the situation. Are there children involved? Do you have a business, a house, or other special circumstances?

Op gesprek komen


During the Conversations

During the discussions, quite a few topics come up. What debts or assets are there, and who gets what? If there are children involved, a parenting plan must be established. Where will the children live? When and for how long will they go on vacation, and with which parent? And what are the details regarding alimony?

Mark creates a safe environment; there must be space to express all emotions. Ultimately, fair and sustainable solutions must be reached, and it is important that you have discussed everything.


The legal documents

Once the substantive discussions are concluded, Mark will draft the agreement. The new arrangements will then be put in writing. The parenting plan is also included in this.

When all parties have agreed, the documents will be sent to the lawyer. The lawyer will check the legal correctness before the documents can be submitted to the court.

De Juridische Bril
Mark de Krosse



After signing the final document, the process is completed, and you can be sure that everything is properly documented. However, it is only after the divorce is finalized that the real processing begins.

But that can be quite a lot. Perhaps your living situation has changed, or do you have mutual friends? It’s a new situation. Therefore, Mark offers the necessary aftercare. New questions may arise, and then the MfN mediator in Badhoevedorp is available to assist you.


After the final signatures have been placed, the process is complete.

A skilled mediator with the right credentials.

MfN Mediator
ADR Mediator

Why separate with help of a mediator?

Divorcing without a neutral party can be very challenging. There is a lot to arrange, and you already have so much on your mind. It’s probably good advice to engage a mediator; then you can be sure that everything is handled properly. Here are the main advantages of mediation:

✓ The fee of a mediator is often lower than that of a lawyer.

✓ A mediation process typically consists of three to five meetings of two hours each, so it can be completed quickly. Going to court can take several months.

✓ Mediation often leads to a normalization of the relationship between the parties, which is usually not the case with litigation.

✓ In mediation, the costs are shared by both parties (usually half each). Read more about the costs here.

Do you want to pursue fair and sustainable solutions and find it important that nothing is overlooked? Then engage a mediator.


Avoid a contentious divorce.

Litigation, in any form, unfortunately occurs all too often. Usually, it is a time-consuming and costly process. The outcome is uncertain, as there is always a certain risk involved, and the atmosphere between the parties rarely improves. Ultimately, you often end up somewhere in the middle.

Preventing a contentious divorce is essential, and the mediator in Badhoevedorp can likely assist with this. Mediation can be seen as a constructive form of communication through which conflicts are resolved, or rather, prevented.

When the (ex)partners cannot come to an agreement, a contentious divorce may arise. This can cause significant emotional damage and have long-lasting consequences. Mediation emphasizes the well-being of the (ex)partners and any children involved. By reaching agreements together, the emotional burdens on the ex-partners are minimized.

You likely want to avoid unnecessary conflicts or even a contentious divorce. If so, please contact mediator Mark.

Mark de Krosse
Mark de Krosse


An introductory meeting is always non-binding. If you have any further questions or would like to meet, please contact me! You can also send a message via the button or leave a message using the form below.

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