Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement DKM Mediation

This is the privacy statement of DKM Mediation, located at Akerdijk 138, 1171 PV Badhoevedorp (hereinafter referred to as the “mediator” or “we”). This privacy statement applies to the processing of personal data of our clients, potential clients, and other individuals who visit our website or contact us.

In this privacy statement, you can find information about how we handle personal data. If you have any questions after reading this privacy statement about how we handle personal data, wish to exercise your rights mentioned in this privacy statement under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), or any other laws and regulations regarding personal data, or if you want to file a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can contact us via phone: +31 651 317 982 or email: If you are not satisfied with how your complaint is handled or prefer not to submit your complaint to us, you can also submit it to the Dutch Data Protection Authority via their website

The mediator is responsible for processing your personal data and will exercise the utmost care and, of course, comply with the rules arising from the GDPR.

What personal data do we process?

Mediation file

If you provide a mandate to the mediator, the mediator processes personal data that you and the other party(ies) in your case provide to the mediator. This includes your contact details such as your name, address, email address, and phone number. Additionally, it may involve personal data relevant to the file. Depending on the subject of the mediation, this may also include sensitive and/or special personal data.


If you provide a mandate to us, we also process data necessary for sending invoices and processing payments for the services provided by the mediator. In addition to your contact details, this includes your bank account number and any other payment information.


If you contact us via the contact form on the website, by email, or by phone, we process the information you provide. This includes the contact details you provide to us (name, email address, phone number) and the reason you are reaching out (for example, if you have a question).

Website visitor analysis

Finally, we process analytical data about visitors to our website (the computer of visitors) through cookies placed when you visit the website. Through these cookies, (part of) the visitor’s IP address is stored.

For what purposes and on what basis do we process personal data?

Mediation file

The mediator uses the personal data you have provided in the context of a mediation mandate to manage the mediation file. Since sensitive and/or special personal data may be processed during the mediation process (and this is not always clear in advance), we ask for your consent to process your personal data. You give this consent by signing the mediation agreement. If you do not give this consent, unfortunately, you cannot use the services of the mediator, as the mediator cannot provide services without processing personal data relevant to the file.

You have the right to withdraw your consent. The mediator may then no longer process any data from you. From the moment of withdrawal of consent, the mediator can no longer perform services for you and will have to close the mediation file immediately.


The payment information you provide is used to bill for services. This processing is necessary to execute the agreement you have entered into with us.


We use the contact details you provide to contact you if necessary, for example, to answer a question. We process this personal data because it is necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interest, namely the ability to carry out our work and obtain new mandates.


We also use your email address to occasionally send you updates about our services. If you have provided a mandate to us, there is a so-called “existing client relationship,” and we send you newsletters based on our legitimate interest. If you have not previously used our services but have contacted us in other ways (such as filling out the contact form or sending an email with a question), we will ask for your consent to send you newsletters, and we will only do this if you have granted that consent.

Website visitor analysis

The data we collect about website visitors are only used to keep statistics about visits to the website (for example, to see which pages are most viewed). The data is stored anonymously.

How long do we retain your personal data?

Mediation file

We retain the mediation file, and the personal data included therein, for a period of twenty years after the file is closed, in accordance with the maximum limitation period. In exceptional cases, we may retain a file for longer than twenty years, for example, if the limitation period is interrupted or if the mediator believes there is another legitimate interest in retaining the file for a longer period.


We retain our administration, including invoices and other documents containing the personal data of parties, for a period of seven years after the end of the financial year to comply with the tax retention obligation.

Other contact details

We retain other contact details for one year after the last contact unless you submit a request to us earlier to delete them.

Website visitor analysis

The data about website visitors are retained for two years after the visit to the website; these are the default settings of Google Analytics.

With whom do we share your data?

Your data is stored in a digital file and may appear in emails sent or received by the mediator, and thus processed by our IT provider. Furthermore, the payment information you provided for billing purposes to the mediator is forwarded to the party that manages the financial administration on behalf of the mediator. The mediator has entered into a processing agreement with these parties, which ensures at least the same level of security and confidentiality as you can expect from us.

If you, or another party involved in a mediation, file a complaint against the mediator regarding the handling of a mediation file containing your personal data, your personal data may be provided to the Foundation for Quality Mediators (SKM) and/or the Foundation for Disciplinary Mediation (STM). Your data will be treated confidentially by both organizations.

We do not provide your data to third parties, unless we are legally obligated to disclose certain data, for example, to the police in the context of a criminal investigation.

How is your data secured?

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access by third parties. Moreover, we require our IT provider to take similar appropriate technical and organizational security measures.

What are your rights?

You have the following rights: a. The right to access your personal data and receive a copy thereof. b. The right to rectification of your personal data if they are incorrect or incomplete. c. The right to object to the processing and/or – in certain cases – the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. d. In certain cases: the right to have your personal data deleted (“right to be forgotten”). e. The right to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transfer that data to another party.

For more information about these rights and when you can exercise them, see Articles 15 to 20 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us via the email address or phone number mentioned at the beginning of the privacy statement.


There may sometimes be changes in the personal data we process or applicable regulations. In such cases, we may adjust this privacy statement. In the case of significant changes…

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